Page 29 - Digital Edition SIRC Supplement
P. 29

20th – 22nd January 2016, Taj Lands End, Mumbai
                                                                      TheCmreea: “tiTnhgeaNReewinRseuaralinticees HinuRbeiinnsInudraiance”

      T he world is in a greater spin with the volatility         market in the world with a US$70 billion premium income.
             in the stock markets. There are such amazing         Life accounts for 78.5% of that pie. The non-life market
             changes taking place in the Indian market, what      with a premium of US$15 billion is still the 20th largest
      with Government’s drive to open up the reinsurance          globally.
      market and make India a reinsurance hub as well as
      Lloyd’s almost setting up in India. The latest sigma world     We are all set now with our preparations for the India
      insurance report ranks India as 15th largest insurance      Rendezvous which is jointly co-organised with GIC Re all
                                                                  these years.

       Key Topics to be discussed                                 •	 Being Cyber Resilient
                                                                  •	 Panel on Creating a True RI Hub in India
      •	 Overview of the Reinsurance Market                       •	 Panel on Life Reinsurance: Are Reinsurers leading
      •	 The New Basics in Reinsurance Today
      •	 The Rush to Merge: Is Big Really Better                    Life Markets & Reinsurance Needs of the Life Market
      •	 The Rising CAT Covers: Floods and Quakes                 •	 Panel on Lesson from Recent floods & Quakes in
      •	 Impact of regulations on reinsurance & pricing
      •	 Changing buying patterns: What is the ideal mix            South Asia
      •	 Innovative Reinsurance Solutions                         •	 Panel on Are Reinsurers Meeting the Needs of the
      •	 Strategic Risk Management as a Basic Critical
                                                                    Cedants in South Asia
        Success Factor

                                            Jointly organised by:

      Managed by:  Sponsor:                 Cocktail Sponsor:     Supported by:  Media Partner:

				  Register online at

                             For speaking, sponsorship and partnership opportunities:
                       Email: DID: +65 6372 3187

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