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P. 35


Product and regulatory trends                                                                      billion, which was on par with the
Automobile Insurance                                                                               claims paid for past major typhoons.
As a continuous trend of the Japanese market, profits in Japan’s                                   In recent years, claims paid as a
automobile insurance business had decreased due to factors                                         result of natural disasters such as
including an increase in accidents among the elderly drivers                                       typhoons, torrential rains and heavy
and lower automobile use among the young.                                                          snowfalls have been trending upward
                                                                                                   in Japan. Given these circumstances,
   Non-life insurers have therefore moved to improve profits                                       direct insurance companies raised
since 2008 through rate increases. These rate increases and                                        industrial and commercial fire
change in discount system enhanced the profitability of                                            insurance premiums from October
automobile insurance and contributed to the solid results of                                       2015. The increase will average 1%
non-life insurers in fiscal 2014.                                                                  to 2% nationwide, with a maximum
                                                                                                   of 40% in some regions. The premium
   In recent years, competition in the existing automobile                                         rate for industrial and commercial fire
insurance customer sales cycle has intensified because of                                          insurance has not been significantly
the growth of direct automobile insurance sold with lower                                          revised in 8.5 years.
premiums via the internet. Under these circumstances, some                                       Sophistication of ERM
major non-life insurers have announced plans to introduce new                                    promoted and the role of
discount products this fall that specifically target young drivers.                              reinsurance
Each company is expected to leverage its unique features in                                        In the revised Insurance Core
ongoing initiatives to secure stable profits.                                                      Principles (ICPs) adopted by the
Revision of household earthquake insurance rates                     International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) in
The Japanese government and non-life insurance companies             October 2011, one of the provisions introduced requires the
jointly maintain the household earthquake insurance system.          authorities to supervise insurance companies and groups to
Household earthquake insurance in Japan is included in               ensure they implement enterprise risk management (ERM) and
fire insurance policies as an optional addition, and covers          their own risk and solvency assessment (ORSA) practices. The
catastrophe losses from earthquakes, volcanic eruptions              Japanese Financial Service Agency (FSA) in February 2014
and resulting tsunami. The system limits the liability of the        revised its Comprehensive Guidelines for the Supervision of
government and non-life insurance companies to JPY7 trillion         Insurance Companies and aligned enterprise risk management
per incident in light of the limits on the ability of non-life       system guidance, which formed the basis for conducting
insurance companies to pay claims.                                   enterprise risk management system hearings.
                                                                        At these hearings, the regulatory authority requested 25
   Rates for this insurance increased an average of 15.5%            life and non-life insurance companies to prepare and submit
nationwide in July 2014 to accommodate the increasing risk           an ORSA report on a trial basis. Then, ORSA went into effect
of a major earthquake in the aftermath of the Great East Japan       from 2015 onwards; Insurers are now required to submit an
Earthquake. However, the latest risk assessment has indicated        ORSA report once a year.
the need to increase rates again.                                       Field tests conducted in 2014, in which insurance companies
                                                                     calculated the economic value of insurance liabilities and other
   The General Insurance Rating Organization of Japan, which         items on a trial basis, were conducted for the second time
comprises non-life insurers, and the Japanese government are         since their initial implementation in 2010. The calculation
currently implementing a rate increase so that the government        method and confidence level (VaR 99.5%) are being
and non-life insurers can secure sufficient funds to cover the       fundamentally coordinated with studies by organisations
latest estimation of earthquake losses.                              including the IAIS and the European Union. The construction
Numerous natural disasters and revised industrial &                  of a regulatory and supervisory framework for enhancing the
commercial fire rates                                                sophistication of risk management among insurance companies
Heavy snowfall centered in the Kantokoshin region during             is steadily proceeding based on the direction of international
February 2014 esulted in insurance claims paid of JPY322.4           studies.
                                                                        Japan is exposed to natural disaster risks such as typhoons
                                                                     and earthquakes. Natural disasters also account for a significant
                                                                     percentage of the risks that insurance companies in Japan
                                                                     underwrite, and represent a market in which insurance
                                                                     companies needs for reinsurance for risk management is
                                                                     pronounced. The direction that supervisory authorities may
                                                                     take is not yet clear, but tentatively, insurance companies
                                                                     would likely need to manage risk to further reduce it, should
                                                                     the calculation methods and confidence levels employed in the
                                                                     2014 field tests be used.
                                                                        While capital markets have recently gained prominence
                                                                     as a means to transfer risks, Japan’s insurance companies
                                                                     rely on traditional reinsurance as their primary technique
                                                                     for transferring risks. The insurance industry as a whole is
                                                                     projected to raise the sophistication of risk management,
                                                                     which suggests that the function of reinsurance in insurance
                                                                     companies risk management is likely to increase further.

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