Page 38 - Digital Edition SIRC Supplement
P. 38


Market growth in line with

As the economy grew at a higher rate in 2014, so did the (re)insurance market.
However, market growth may slow this year in line with views that the GDP may
grow at a relatively slower pace, says Mr Zainudin Ishak, CEO, Malaysian Re,

The Malaysian economy posted higher growth of 6.0%                impact on domestic general insurance industry, with the bulk
        in 2014 (2013: 4.7%), due to better-than-expected         of risks reinsured in the global aviation market.
        exports performance during the first half of 2014,        Impact of lower investment yield
cushioning the negative effect of lower oil price to the          Lower investment yield seems to be an issue across the globe.
economy in general.                                               Global (re)insurers for instance extend the maturity profile of
Market performance                                                fixed income investment in search for yield. In some extreme
The Malaysian general insurance and takaful industry recorded     cases, (re)insurers raised the gear in adding more risk to
a Gross Written Premium (GPW) growth of 6.6% in 2014 to           investment portfolio by going down the credit curve by buying
MYR19.3 billion (US$4.38 billion) as compared to 7.1% growth      more lower-rated bonds, and increased asset allocation into
recorded in the previous year largely due to slower magnitude     equities.
of GPW growth along the motor segment. With the GPW of
MYR9.2 billion in 2014, the growth rate in motor segment             The local sovereign fixed income market saw a huge increase
stood at 7.0% in comparison to 7.5% growth witnessed in the       in foreign participation where foreign holdings of Malaysian
year before.                                                      Government Securities (MGS) climbed beyond 45% of the total
                                                                  outstanding amount, the highest in history.
   For the record, the growth trend in GPW along the general
insurance sector has been on a declining trend since the year        This outcome is a manifestation of rising liquidity level
2010. However, GPW growth in 2014 was still above the Gross       globally where it is estimated that the US Federal Reserve
Domestic Product (GDP) growth. Meanwhile, the Net Written         expanded its balance sheet from US$800 billion before the
Premium (NPW) increased by 7.4% to MYR18.9 billion over           Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008/09 to about US$4.5
the corresponding period.                                         trillion via various Quantitative Easing (QE) programmes
                                                                  and monetary policy easing steps taken by the likes of the
   On the liability side, Net Claims Incurred (NCI) along the     Bank of Japan, Bank of England and European Central Bank,
industry came in at MYR7.5 billion, translating into a stable     yield compressions look likely to persist. As a result, domestic
NCI ratio of 55.6%. The NCI however looks likely to move          insurers and takaful operators which also participate actively in
higher in 2015 given major East Coast flood in late 2014          this market for their asset and liability matching are affected as
which had also triggered fiscal injection by the government       lower sovereign bond yields pushed the investment yields lower.
in its rebuilding plans. Despite this unprecedented floods,       Capitalisation and profitability
Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) in its 2014 Financial Stability        During the year, general insurers recorded a higher Capital
Report said that the potential impact on insurers arising from    Adequacy Ratio (CAR), partly following refinements to the
the severe floods in selected states at year-end is not expected  treatment of premium liabilities under Risk Based Capital
to be significant, with losses on a gross basis expected to be    (RBC) framework. Specifically, the CAR ratio for general
contained below 1.0% of total capital of impacted companies.      insurance rose from 235% to 274%, ensuring that the sector
                                                                  is well capitalised against the minimum requirement of 130%
   That marginal increase also reflects improvements in the       under the framework. Concluding the sector’s robustness is
fire and motor which formed bulk of NCI. The loss ratio for       the general insurance industry’s aggregate technical reserves
motor was at 70.3% in 2014 and it averaged 74.9% over the         position where it currently stands at 132% of net premiums.
last five years. The combined ratio for general insurance and
general takaful operators stood at 87.6% and 82.0% respectively      In terms of profitability, earned premium income among
indicating underwriting gains across the sector. On another       general insurers and takaful operators stood at MYR2.9billion
note, the unfortunate tragedy that befell Malaysia Airlines       in 2014 with underwriting profit of MYR1.8 billion. Investment
(MAS) Flight MH17 in July 2014 did not have a significant
                                                                     yields continued to trend lower as easing monetary policy
                                                                     adopted by global central banks in their effort to boost the
                                                                     respective economies witnessed foreign funds flooding
                                                                     the domestic sovereign bond market. In addition to this,
                                                                     ample liquidity in the domestic financial market in the
                                                                     form of rising banking sector’s excess deposits and growing
                                                                     investible funds among domestic institutional investors also
                                                                     continued to drive bond yields lower.

                                                                  Key drivers of growth
                                                                  According to a report by the General Insurance Association
                                                                  of Malaysia (PIAM), the general insurance sector is set to
                                                                  record a 5.5% to 6.0% growth in GPW in 2015, slightly
                                                                  lower than growth recorded in the previous year. Slower
                                                                  growth expectation is somewhat in line with the core

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