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life players in Cambodia, four companies have shareholders   have strengthened their foothold in the region during the
from ASEAN countries.                                        past few years. Small and medium sized enterprises have
                                                             made regional investments in manufacturing, services and
   Non-life insurance, particularly commercial lines like    retail sectors. In light of these investment trends, corporate
property and construction, dominates the insurance           moves have become a driving force for increasing market
market structure in CLMV. The ASEAN 6 countries generally    opening.
see a more balanced split between life and non-life
businesses, with life representing a larger share in most       Regulators have their own agendas and priorities with
countries. This market development gap is expected to        regard to market liberalisation. They can either delay the
improve with accelerating investments and economic           opening of their markets – which may not necessarily
growth in CLMV. This should help boost individual wealth     make their local companies stronger – or act quickly to
and consumption, which will lead to additional demand        make domestic companies understand their competitive
for personal property and life protection.                   disadvantages and advantages under an increasingly open
                                                             and competitive market. Local companies with strong
Ready To Open?                                               focus on personal lines may underestimate the impact
                                                             from an opening market. However, successful companies
Liberalisation of financial services is subject to national  with a substantial margin generated from commercial
policy and local political environment. Governments are      business will be better able to offer competitive pricing
usually cautious in opening up their financial markets.      along with the delivering of targeted margins.
Also, local forces resist economic integration, and this
protectionism hinders market liberalisation in some          Pros and Cons of An Open Market
                                                             From a positive perspective, the AEC will bring about a wider
   Under the AEC blueprint, ASEAN member countries           choice of products and services at competitive prices for
have identified insurance sub-sectors for liberalisation by  insurance buyers, supported by well-regulated consumer
2015. However, there are substantial doubts on when, what,   protection. Insurers can set up their management
and how liberalisation will ultimately take place. Current   operations such as data centre, claims centre and financial
conditions on foreign investment have generally become       centre in multiple countries, while availing themselves to
more open, with majority foreign ownership of insurance      larger talent pools across the region. Capital can also be
companies being possible in most ASEAN countries. More       deployed to markets and business areas which afford the
developed markets seem to be more open in terms of lifting   best growth and return potentials.
restrictions on foreign ownership (Thailand lifted the cap
to 49% from 25% in 2012. Malaysia relaxed the limit to 70%      On the negative side, the concept of AEC may skew too
from 49% in 2009). However, less developed countries are     much of an advantages towards larger and financially
liberalising at a slower pace.                               stronger players, which could work against maintaining a
                                                             competitive market. Also, having a free flow of capital and
   One impediment is the concern over foreign players        investment may raise concerns on more macroeconomic
dominating the domestic market. Nevertheless, the            issues such as inflation, potential asset bubbles, and
purpose of the AEC is to accelerate growth and increase      sudden net investment outflows, as well as other spillover
resilience to external shocks. It is generally recognised    effects due to interdependence on trade and supply chains.
that the advantages of integration outweigh the costs,
as any individual nation will find it difficult to combat       However, A.M. Best expects AEC will ultimately lead
external influences in global markets. This collective       to the region being more resilient to external shocks
benefit continues to drive a strong will among market        by creating a larger market to absorb potential risks
players to cooperate.                                        and by encouraging adoption of progressive initiatives.
                                                             Companies that already have operations in multiple
   Insurance is essential to support growing economic,       ASEAN countries will benefit. However, not many ASEAN
manufacturing and trading activities. A collective ASEAN     companies have developed substantially across the
market will lead to increased demand for insurance services  region. Some ASEAN companies still post relatively high
with region-wide support and capability. Corporates tend     expense ratios due to their lack of economies of scale, as
to optimise their insurance programmes utilising those       well as some inefficiencies like higher distribution costs.
insures who exhibit strong services in multiple locations    In the longer term, A.M. Best sees AEC as accelerating the
when they look to expand across the region. Hence, the       improvement in industry efficiency and standards.
regional integration of insurance markets, depends more
on the readiness of insurers to compete regionally and          Overall, A.M. Best believes AEC will benefit from
seize on new, regional opportunities.                        insurance industry growth over the long run. Some
                                                             local companies may face the challenges of adjustment
   The movement of corporate customers will likely           and improvement amid this changing landscape, while
encourage insurance businesses to move with them. This       some ASEAN nations have already made regulatory
will be an important factor in driving gradual integration.  reforms to align with the regional standards. In light of
ASEAN companies particularly from Indonesia, Malaysia,       these investment trends, the concept of AEC has actually
Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam, have       induced corporate moves which become a driving force for
enhanced their regional investments mostly through           supporting and growing an open marketplace.
infrastructure, real estate, power and utility projects.
Governments have encouraged state owned enterprises          Chi-Yeung Lok is a Senior Financial Analyst at A.M. Best Asia-Pacific
to expand in the region. In the financial services sector,   (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
ASEAN banks from Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia
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